What to expect during our session

Reiki can be done in-person or remotely.

We begin our session by discussing your reasons for seeking treatment and anything relevant that is coming up for you mentally, emotionally, and/or physically. As each person has their individual needs, my treatment is guided by my intuition and varies.

You remain fully clothed, in a comfortable position. After beginning with a guided meditation, I place my hands gently on (or above) you while directing Reiki energy to areas in need.  If we are working remotely, I will verbally bring your awareness to the area I am guiding the energy to.

Each person experiences Reiki energy in their own way, the most common being a state of deep relaxation. You may feel a warm or pulsing sensation, see colors or other visuals, or have an auditory experience. Sometimes suppressed emotions or memories surface when clearing an energetic block, which we will work through and release together.

I utilize the energetic and metaphysical properties of crystals/stones, plant medicine, and incorporate guided meditation and sound healing from Tibetan singing bowls into my sessions. Once the healing is complete, we discuss your experience and I answer any lingering questions.

Online scheduling