What is Reiki?

Simply put, Reiki is a Japanese modality of hands-on energy healing. Its literal translation means “universal life” (rei) “energy” (ki). Reiki is safe, effective, and free from medical, drug, or allergy interactions and not affiliated with any religious practice. It is done while you remain fully clothed, in a relaxed and distraction-free setting where you can release your tension and worries to receive the gifts of Reiki. I gently place my hands on (or above) areas of your body corresponding to the body’s Chakras (energy systems) and other areas calling for attention using my intuition.  If we are working remotely, I verbally bring your awareness to the areas I am guiding the energy to.

Reiki heals energetic imbalances in the:

  • Physical body
  • Emotional body
  • Psychological (mental) body
  • Spiritual body

Similar to the way acupuncture balances the Yin and Yang of Qi/Chi, or the movement and breathing exercises of yoga moves the flow of Prana, Reiki clears energetic blocks in the Universal Life Force. These are different language and terminology for the same concept. You can also think of this energy as Love, God, Goddess, Spirit, Source, etc. depending on your belief system and spiritual background, but it is the same Universal Life Force which connects all living things.

Our reality begins with energy. We are all made of it, everything we experience, see, touch, think, say, imagine, and feel is energy. When energy gets stagnant, it results in physical manifestations of illness and disruption in our emotional well being. Reiki helps to release those blocks and restore optimal functioning. When we are aligned, it can be easier to focus on our intentions and notice synchronicities which lead to ease and a validating sense of life experience. We live our purpose, remembering our connection to all.

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