Gentleness in Grief

Having lost both my parents, as well as the passing of cherished pets, family, and friends- I am no stranger to grief. Grief is what comes from the loss of relationships or experiences, of something we have had or the loss of hope of what could be. Everything in life is transient, none of usContinue reading “Gentleness in Grief”

Clearing and Shielding: Boundary Energy Practices

Boundaries. A concept most of us are familiar with. But did you know that our energy needs boundaries as well? In this tumultuous time we are experiencing as a collective in 2020, many of us are feeling this heightened, fearful, angry energy and taking it on as if it were our own. Clearing and protectingContinue reading “Clearing and Shielding: Boundary Energy Practices”

Challenge Presents Opportunity

This is a moment in time calling us to step up and BE THE CHANGE. Don’t allow yourself to zone out, numbing to the harshness of reality. Breathe through the fear until it is transmuted. Clearing, Shielding, and Boundary work are as essential to our well-being and survival as hand-washing and physical distancing. Stay groundedContinue reading “Challenge Presents Opportunity”