Getting In Tune With Earth’s Rhythm

That time of year is upon us. In the Northern hemisphere the days are getting shorter and the nights are growing longer. Autumn is here. Depending on where you live, you may be seeing the beautiful fall colors taking hold as trees instinctively prepare for the coming winter. First, their leaves become their most vibrantContinue reading “Getting In Tune With Earth’s Rhythm”

My path from pill-popper to natural living

I wasn’t always “crunchy” (the current term for hippy-like). I grew up in San Diego, CA with a religious Christian upbringing but I secretly and not-so-secretly acted out as a rebel. I was not a stranger to pre-packaged boxes and pouches of “food” becoming what was served as dinner, often with the help of ChefContinue reading “My path from pill-popper to natural living”

Charmed by Snake

As long as I can remember, I have been intrigued by snakes. Their smooth, scaly skin beckons me to touch. Watching their tongue flicker in and out as they take in scents and sense information captivates my attention. There’s a sense of danger associated with a dreaded snake bite, even the possibility of death dependingContinue reading “Charmed by Snake”