Challenge Presents Opportunity

This is a moment in time calling us to step up and BE THE CHANGE. Don’t allow yourself to zone out, numbing to the harshness of reality. Breathe through the fear until it is transmuted. Clearing, Shielding, and Boundary work are as essential to our well-being and survival as hand-washing and physical distancing. Stay groundedContinue reading “Challenge Presents Opportunity”

Under Pressure

We finally had our arrival of snow here at the base of Mt. Hood (Wy’East) this week. There’s something so peaceful about watching it slowly drift to the ground, accumulating on branches of trees and bushes. A fluffy white blanket covers my surroundings. I notice how the trees and plants bend from the weight ofContinue reading “Under Pressure”

The Secret to Happiness

It’s actually no secret. Gratitude. It is sometimes more difficult to feel aligned with than at other times, but it is always within you. Waiting to shine. Nothing alters my perspective or attitude easier than shifting my focus to one of gratitude. As a daily practice, I list at least 10 things I am gratefulContinue reading “The Secret to Happiness”