Rising from the Ashes: The Shadow of Postpartum Depression

My littlest wildling just turned 4 so I’ve been reflecting on the last few years. It’s a deeply personal story that only few people in my life know. For some reason it wants to be told and I must trust that. So, here goes. When I thought of Postpartum Depression (PPD) or Postpartum Anxiety (PPA),Continue reading “Rising from the Ashes: The Shadow of Postpartum Depression”

My path from pill-popper to natural living

I wasn’t always “crunchy” (the current term for hippy-like). I grew up in San Diego, CA with a religious Christian upbringing but I secretly and not-so-secretly acted out as a rebel. I was not a stranger to pre-packaged boxes and pouches of “food” becoming what was served as dinner, often with the help of ChefContinue reading “My path from pill-popper to natural living”