πŸŒ• Full Moon in Aries πŸŒ•

October 2020 will have two Full Moons, the first of the month is at 2:05pm PDT Thursday, October 1st. Look to where it occurs at 9 degrees in Aries on your birth chart to see how it specifically relates to you. You can get a free birth chart at Astro.com or schedule an Astrology readingContinue reading “πŸŒ• Full Moon in Aries πŸŒ•”

πŸŒ‘ New Moon in Virgo πŸŒ‘

The early morning at 4am PDT on Thursday, September 17th, 2020 brings us our New Moon in Virgo at 25 degrees. Look to your birth chart to see where this will be showing up in your life (available for free at Astro.com or set up a birth chart reading with me.) Virgo is the mutableContinue reading “πŸŒ‘ New Moon in Virgo πŸŒ‘”

Challenge Presents Opportunity

This is a moment in time calling us to step up and BE THE CHANGE. Don’t allow yourself to zone out, numbing to the harshness of reality. Breathe through the fear until it is transmuted. Clearing, Shielding, and Boundary work are as essential to our well-being and survival as hand-washing and physical distancing. Stay groundedContinue reading “Challenge Presents Opportunity”