Loving Kindness guided meditation ๐Ÿ’•

Join me in cultivating loving kindness through this guided meditation ๐Ÿ’• You are loved. You are loving. You ARE love. Blessings, Christen xoxo

Rising from the Ashes: The Shadow of Postpartum Depression

My littlest wildling just turned 4 so I’ve been reflecting on the last few years. It’s a deeply personal story that only few people in my life know. For some reason it wants to be told and I must trust that. So, here goes. When I thought of Postpartum Depression (PPD) or Postpartum Anxiety (PPA),Continue reading “Rising from the Ashes: The Shadow of Postpartum Depression”

My path from pill-popper to natural living

I wasn’t always “crunchy” (the current term for hippy-like). I grew up in San Diego, CA with a religious Christian upbringing but I secretly and not-so-secretly acted out as a rebel. I was not a stranger to pre-packaged boxes and pouches of “food” becoming what was served as dinner, often with the help of ChefContinue reading “My path from pill-popper to natural living”