The Endless Cycle of Healing

I thought I had moved through it, had completed healing “that”. But here it is again, asking to be revisited, reviewed, the scab torn off revealing an open wound. Aching just as much as my memory of it. And yet, here I am. But time has passed. I’m in a different position, with a differentContinue reading “The Endless Cycle of Healing”

The Secret to Happiness

It’s actually no secret. Gratitude. It is sometimes more difficult to feel aligned with than at other times, but it is always within you. Waiting to shine. Nothing alters my perspective or attitude easier than shifting my focus to one of gratitude. As a daily practice, I list at least 10 things I am gratefulContinue reading “The Secret to Happiness”

Rising from the Ashes: The Shadow of Postpartum Depression

My littlest wildling just turned 4 so I’ve been reflecting on the last few years. It’s a deeply personal story that only few people in my life know. For some reason it wants to be told and I must trust that. So, here goes. When I thought of Postpartum Depression (PPD) or Postpartum Anxiety (PPA),Continue reading “Rising from the Ashes: The Shadow of Postpartum Depression”