πŸŒ• Full Moon in Pisces πŸŒ•

September begins with a Full Moon in Pisces on September 1st, 2020 at 10:22pm PDT. This will occur at 10 degrees so look at your birth chart for clarity on where this happens for you on a personal level. (Birth charts can be accessed for free at Astro.com or you can set up a BirthContinue reading “πŸŒ• Full Moon in Pisces πŸŒ•”

Working with the Phases of the Moon

I have had a love affair with Luna for as long as I can remember. It bring me great joy that this is something shared by my sons as well when I hear their sweet voices exclaim with excitement “Mama, look at the Moon!” A powerful and recognizable feature in our sky- day or night,Continue reading “Working with the Phases of the Moon”