5 Ways to Welcome the Autumn Equinox

The days are growing shorter and the weather is cooling down. Here in the Northern Hemisphere, we approach the Autumn Equinox, a turning of the wheel to a day where there is equal balance of light and darkness. The energy shifts from expansive, outward and upward with Summer’s growth and abundance to an inward direction.Continue reading “5 Ways to Welcome the Autumn Equinox”

The Secret to Happiness

It’s actually no secret. Gratitude. It is sometimes more difficult to feel aligned with than at other times, but it is always within you. Waiting to shine. Nothing alters my perspective or attitude easier than shifting my focus to one of gratitude. As a daily practice, I list at least 10 things I am gratefulContinue reading “The Secret to Happiness”

Getting In Tune With Earth’s Rhythm

That time of year is upon us. In the Northern hemisphere the days are getting shorter and the nights are growing longer. Autumn is here. Depending on where you live, you may be seeing the beautiful fall colors taking hold as trees instinctively prepare for the coming winter. First, their leaves become their most vibrantContinue reading “Getting In Tune With Earth’s Rhythm”