๐ŸŒ• Full Moon in Aries ๐ŸŒ•

October 2020 will have two Full Moons, the first of the month is at 2:05pm PDT Thursday, October 1st. Look to where it occurs at 9 degrees in Aries on your birth chart to see how it specifically relates to you. You can get a free birth chart at Astro.com or schedule an Astrology reading with me. (Iโ€™m offering 20% off discounted sessions through October!!)

Aries, the cardinal fire sign represented by the Ram, embodies warrior, action-oriented energy which can be impatient, yet courageous. Aries shows up fully and unapologetically.

When the Moon, ruler of our emotions, is in Aries we can get caught up charging forward full-steam ahead, which can lead to regrets once the dust has settled. The Sun in Libra is opposite in its cosmic position and energetic imprint. Libra brings patience, harmony, and idealism into the picture while seeking balance. The Moon Mood at this lunation has us in the middle of the push/pull to โ€œslow down to feel it outโ€ and โ€œjust act now and figure it out laterโ€. The ritual I have included below will channel both of these energies with purpose.


Moon in Aries opposes Sun in Libra

Moon and Chiron exact in Aries

Neptune in Pisces sextile Saturn, Pluto, Jupiter in Capricorn

Mars in Aries square Saturn, Pluto, Jupiter in Capricorn

Uranus in Taurus opposes Mercury in Scorpio

The placement of the planets and where they are located in the zodiac influences how their energies work with or against each other.

Chiron, the archetype of the โ€œwounded healerโ€, is exactly conjunct with the Moon at this time. Expect to have your Achilles heel provoked. You know that deep wound that resurfaces again and again? Yep, thatโ€™s the one probably associated with Chiron. Ignore that inner critic voice trying to keep you small and replace it with empowering affirmations and self-care:

โ€œI love, forgive, and accept myself fully.โ€

โ€œI know who I am and what I am meant to do in this lifetime.โ€

โ€œI am aligned with my Highest Self.โ€

Pluto, Saturn, and Jupiter remain conjunct in Capricorn, and have been busy airing out the dirty laundry that the Patriarchy has tried to keep hidden. Their relationship highlights where we need to expand and reflect on our own individual responsibilities and how we fit into the current system that has been built on oppression.

Mars in its home sign of Aries forms a square to this stellium which is pushing us forward to DO SOMETHING. It can feel pushy, impulsive, and head-strong (think angry bull).

Neptune in its home sign of Pisces is the epitome of the dreamer, and itโ€™s relation to the stellium in Capricorn will be helpful in softening Marsโ€™ energy. Tune into your dreams and visualizations of what can BECOME once the space has been cleared. Lean into this manifestation energy and use it at this ideal time to raise the vibration needed to create a new Earth by writing, creating art, meditating, and journaling what comes to you in the dreamtime.

What is the most ideal World you can imagine?

What do you hope your descendants and the future children of the Earth will inherit?

This is the time to dream it into being, and harness the forward moving energy to get it started.


To prepare, you will need a quiet place you wonโ€™t be interrupted, a writing utensil and paper, candle and matches/lighter, jar.

To begin, center yourself with deep breathing, meditation, or cast a circle of protection (watch my video on Boundaries and Shielding: Prayer for Energy Clearing and Protection).

Invite the energy of this Full Aries Moon and the cosmos to join you.

Light the candle.

Savor the energy and let it immerse you. Marinate in it for a while.

When you feel ready, begin to consider these journaling prompts and write your responses. Just let your ideas flow, donโ€™t worry about how it sounds, if itโ€™s realistic, or grammar.

๐ŸŒ• The one thing I wish to see changed most about the World in which I live today is…

๐ŸŒ• One small action that is in my power to do this month is…

๐ŸŒ• I would/could do more but…

๐ŸŒ• An option around that/those obstacles is to…

๐ŸŒ• Taking action in this way will make me feel…

Break things down into tangible steps. By the end of this practice, my hope is that you are feeling inspired, motivated, and capable to stand in your power to make a difference in a meaningful way. I also hope that you have clarity on perceived obstacles.

Take a small piece of paper (tear from the larger) and write down the answers that you wrote to the prompt โ€œI would/could do more but…โ€ As you imagine the obstacles dissolving, take the paper and light it on fire with the candle, then drop it into the jar to burn. Hold the intention to release these blocks and use that energy to clear the path to benefit the Highest Good of All.

Let the fire in the jar burn out, thank the energies and helping Spirits for joining you, and blow out the candle.

Put the rest of your written answers under your pillow as you sleep with the intention of opening up to new ideas to bring your vision into reality.

Take action in the way that was revealed to you during this ritual and trust your inner guidance.

I would love to hear from you, let me know how this goes by commenting below or messaging me!

Full Moon Blessings,


Johnny Johnson / Getty Images

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