πŸŒ‘ New Moon in Virgo πŸŒ‘

The early morning at 4am PDT on Thursday, September 17th, 2020 brings us our New Moon in Virgo at 25 degrees. Look to your birth chart to see where this will be showing up in your life (available for free at Astro.com or set up a birth chart reading with me.)

Virgo is the mutable Earth sign, grounded but not rigid. It is able to shift shape and adapt. With its archetype being the Virgin, it embodies wholeness, not needing anyone to help it feel complete because it already knows it is. The energy of Virgo is all about noticing details and areas that could use improvement, being of service, while being self-sufficient. At a New Moon, the Sun and Moon are in alignment, bringing our attention and emotions together to set new intentions.

The Moon Mood for this Virgo New Moon asks us to care for ourselves so we can better care for others. Like that saying goes, β€œyou cannot pour from an empty cup.” The outer world reflects our inner world so if we want a peaceful world, we need to have peace within ourselves.


The Sun and Moon form a T-square between the North and South Nodes.

The Sun and Moon oppose Neptune in Pisces.

The Sun and Moon trine the stellium of Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto in Capricorn.

Mars in Aries sextile the North Node in Gemini.

Mars in Aries trine the South Node in Sagittarius.

Mars in Aries squares the stellium of Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto in Capricorn.

Mercury in Libra square Jupiter in Capricorn.

The placement of the planets and where they are located in the zodiac influences how their energies work with or against each other.

The T-square formed by the Sun and Moon to the North and South Nodes intensifies our emotions and awareness of where we have been collectively and where our souls want to go. There are many challenges attempting to get our attention! But this is not all happening for nothing, the pain serves a purpose so have faith in that. The pressure can be relieved by leaning into the soothing power of water, art and creative outlets, and allowing plenty of time to sleep and dream.

Mars retrograde in Aries turns its forward moving, action-oriented energy inward. With a square to the stellium of Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto in Capricorn- who have been so active in exposing the problems with our systems of Patriarchy that are not serving us- it is imperative not not get caught up in self-loathing and anger. This energy is useful to give you the extra push needed to make inward changes that will benefit us all, as shown by Mars’ position to the North and South Nodes at this New Moon.

Jupiter rules wisdom and is in Capricorn forming a square to Mercury in Libra. Mercury in Libra has balance in communication with a desire to be fair, but this cosmic relationship makes it difficult to effectively communicate without being overly critical, controlling, and bossy. Awareness is key, so check yourself and soften your tone to get your point across to receptive ears.


β€œI soften my tone and speak with gentleness and love.”

β€œI pause to think and breathe before responding with love and kindness.”

β€œI know who I am and what I am meant to do in this lifetime.”

β€œI release fear and welcome trust.”

β€œI release control and open to flow.

β€œI love, forgive, and accept myself and others fully.”

β€œI love and care for myself so I can better love and care for others.”


Tonight, I will be making a Boundary Spray which clears energy and invites protection into the home.

To make this, simply fill up a large jar or pitcher with spring/distilled/purified water, and add sea salt. I am being called to use Rosemary from my garden (dried culinary or essential oil form will work too), Cedar, and Yarrow so will add those to the water. Then I will place the pitcher on my window sill with black tourmaline, smoky quartz, and labradorite surrounding that to be infused with the New Moon energy.

These are my plant and stone Allies that I feel led by, please feel free to adjust it to resonate with you.

After sitting out under the New Moon energy overnight, strain any herbs from the jar/pitcher and fill up a spray bottle. Spray liberally throughout your house, focusing on corners and areas energy is likely to collect as you pray/invoke cleansing and protection with your intention.

As always, if you would like additional support through a personal astrology reading, or help clearing and fortifying your own energy system through Reiki– I am available for distance sessions.

Be well,


Photo credit: GuzmΓ‘n BarquΓ­n @guzmanbarquin

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