Give your lungs some lovin’

Many dear ones (myself and family included) are stuck inside due to hazardous air quality from the raging wildfires on the West Coast.

Here’s a list of my go-to’s so you can breathe easier:

•To moisten the air:
Diffuse quality Essential Oils, add fresh/dried herbs to a boiling pot on your stove, fill up a hot bath to add steam, or if you’re like me and don’t have any electricity or access to hot water- – put some EOS in a spray bottle with water and spray liberally around your house.

The herbs/EOs I like to use for this situation are: peppermint, eucalyptus, and rosemary (add some lavender or chamomile if you’re feeling anxious).

Run a diffuser with those EOs and/or humidifier.

The water vapor adds humidity to the room and traps the smoke pulling it down from the air to the floor.

•To moisten your nasal passage:
Do a Neti pot or put a towel over your head while you breathe in steam with above mentioned herbs/EOs from a steaming pot of water

Saline spray or gel in your nose

•Herbs to keep your mucus membranes moist:
Marshmallow, Licorice, and Slippery Elm

•Herbs for lung support:
Mullein, Lungwort, Usnea

•Herbs to calm your nerves:
Chamomile, Lavender, Lemon Balm

•Keep yourself hydrated!! Drink plenty of water, 1/2 your body weight in ounces is recommended for most

“I breathe easily and deeply”
“I release fear and welcome trust”
“I am safe, secure, and protected”
“I am healthy and strong”

•Eat plenty of leafy greens (always choose organic) and take Vitamin C to help with detoxification

Happy breathing!

*Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional so obviously use your intuition and judgment. I study herbalism and these are practices I use for myself and my family based on my own learning and intuition.

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