Challenge Presents Opportunity

This is a moment in time

calling us to step up and


Don’t allow yourself to zone out,

numbing to the harshness of reality.

Breathe through the fear

until it is transmuted.

Clearing, Shielding, and Boundary work are as essential to our well-being and survival as hand-washing and physical distancing.

Stay grounded and connected to the Earth.

If things are too overwhelming in your outer world,

turn inward and take solace in your inner world.

Focus on the calm and love

pulsing within you

until you can feel it radiating through you and outward into the World.

Our collective energy output makes

all the difference.

Together, we realize systems of oppression we have subscribed to

and become complacent in

for too long.

We are slowing down

and breaking free.

THIS is the time to dream.

Dream of what could be.

Dream of the World we want

to be a part of.

These visions will become

our new reality. ✨

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