Birthday-eve Musings

Here I am on the eve of a new decade. Farewell, 30s. What great years you’ve been. Truly the best.

I remember people telling me “these are the best days of your life” so often during my high school years, which was always depressing for me to hear then. Oh, how they were wrong!

My 30s, those have been the best years of my life! I remembered who I am, stopped blindly trusting and obeying our society’s systems and started questioning and investigating for myself, sobered up, began my journey toward healing, honed in on my deep connection with Spirit and All, found exercise I truly enjoy, became a Mama and had two amazing births, fell in love with myself for the first time, understood where I have come from and the work I am here to do, strengthened my intuition, moved to my dream home in the woods, started writing again, cultivated relationships with my Ancestors and witnessed the unwell’s healing and reunion with the Well and Bright ones, stepped out of my shell and became part of my community, and discovered what it is to stand in my power.

Am I at the crest? Is this the peak of the hill? Will I begin the descent toward being “over the hill” as they say? Those who value youth and throw out wisdom and experience with age. Trying to deny the graying hair and wrinkles appearing in the reflection. Grasping at the maiden while shunning the crone.


I will not slow my stride. I know there are plenty more vibrant years to come, lessons to learn, memories to make. More peaks in this mountain range of life to encounter. And I will stop to admire every view and enjoy the journey. Every step.

Even when it is hard, because I know now that during the hard times comes the growth and hidden blessings to be discovered later.

So, tomorrow I welcome 40. Onward, and upward!

(Photo credit: Amy McMullen Photography)

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