Under Pressure

We finally had our arrival of snow here at the base of Mt. Hood (Wy’East) this week. There’s something so peaceful about watching it slowly drift to the ground, accumulating on branches of trees and bushes. A fluffy white blanket covers my surroundings.

I notice how the trees and plants bend from the weight of the snow, and this brings me to reflect on a deeper meaning.

If the branches don’t bend, they’ll break. The key to keeping their integrity, is flexibility and surrendering to the added pressure. They don’t fight or resist the natural process.

I imagine that I am a tree and the snow represents all life’s pressures, disappointments, and challenges. Sometimes they fall around me without any effect, other times they build up causing so much heaviness I don’t know how I’ll survive. Resistance isn’t conducive to surviving, it is usually wasted energy and doesn’t actually change anything. Surrendering is key. Acceptance of “what is”.

I’m not saying to lay down and let life walk all over you, or give up. Rather, be still because everything is temporary. Wait it out. The snow eventually melts or washes away when it turns to rain. Sometimes it has a little help from the wind shaking the branches free.

Like the air or sun who help relieve some of the weight from the snowy trees, identify if there’s anything you can let go of– sway and shake it off in the breeze or simply let it melt and dissolve from your life. Sometimes we hold onto our burdens because we think we have to, or we fear letting go. Martyrdom can become part of our identity, but that serves no one.

Staying deeply rooted/grounded is essential to survival.

How do we stay rooted when life’s not easy? I find that my self-care is especially necessary if I’m going through a challenging time. Hot baths with Epsom salt and essential oils or herbal body oils are my go-to’s. I make sure I’m eating healthy whole foods and enjoy calming teas. I clear my calendar to include a lot of down time for processing and unbusy-ness. I make time to ensure I’m meditating and practicing plenty of Reiki each day. Sometimes I have to force myself to get exercise, but even a little walk, and definitely yoga, goes a long way. Getting outside always does wonders for my soul and well-being, fresh air and tuning into the sounds of nature around me have a profoundly centering effect, reminding me that I am connected to so much more. I remember to call on my Allies and Guides for comfort and support.

Self-care looks different for everyone. If you’re not sure, ask yourself what recharges and comforts you? What steps can you take to help yourself be your best? Then do it, without apology.

Eventually the burden will lessen and it will be time to spring back to life with renewed vigor, having saved your energy for a time more useful. You’ll regain your shape, but have grown a little taller, a little stronger, with a deeper belief in yourself because you’ve weathered the storm.

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