The Endless Cycle of Healing

I thought I had moved through it, had completed healing “that”. But here it is again, asking to be revisited, reviewed, the scab torn off revealing an open wound. Aching just as much as my memory of it.

And yet, here I am. But time has passed. I’m in a different position, with a different perspective. And what I thought I was done dealing with has resurfaced to offer more healing, more growth, more understanding. Not that I asked for it.

We and everything in our Universe are always changing, always moving, always expanding, always growing. Whether we want to or not. So we complete one cycle to start another to realize it wasn’t complete, but only a spiral that is endless.

Healing continues for lifetimes. Issues come back and back and back again until we transcend them and those lessons have been fully realized and we move onto the next to tackle. Then it might pop up again just to see if we’re really ready to move on this time. Has it actually been mastered? On and on we go. The journey is the point. Learning and growing, evolving is the point.

The tough part is that this work is ours alone. No one can do it for you, no one can do it for me. There are no short-cuts, no getting around it, only through. And we can take as much time as we need. It’s not going anywhere, believe me. It will be there waiting for all eternity, this lifetime and the next (and even after that, if necessary).

The good part is that although the work is ours alone, it doesn’t have to be done alone. We can ask for as much support as we need. I ask my stone/animal/plant allies, Ancestors, friends, and family to hold space for me, comfort me through the difficulties, “hold my hair” so-to-speak while I vomit. I’ll be that one for you too. I’ll be there to wipe your tear-stained face, offer a warm embrace, encouraging words, and witness your transformation. Even a caterpillar’s body completely comes apart as it transforms into a butterfly.

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